Creating Navigation Bars and Banners

NetObjects Fusion includes tools you can use to create banners and navigation bars that help site visitors understand and navigate the structure of your site. A new blank site includes a button navigation bar on the left, a text navigation bar at the bottom, and a banner in the top MasterBorder. You can create your own banners and navigation bars and place them in any MasterBorder or Layout area.

You save time using banners and navigation bars because NetObjects Fusion automatically places page names on the banner and links navigation bars to pages in your site. Placing navigation bars in a MasterBorder and then assigning the MasterBorder to multiple pages is an easy way to give pages with the same navigational needs the same navigational structure.

New banners and navigation bars you create use elements of the currently selected SiteStyle. However, you can customize the banners and buttons by assigning other styles or labels or by replacing their images with your own. You can also further customize your site by importing Flash navigation bars and buttons.


This section tells you how to use navigation bars and banners, including: