Using the CSS Panels in the Selectors View

In the Selectors View, the CSS panels allow you to modify the selectors individually.

By default, NetObjects Fusion 12 displays the three CSS panels grouped together and docked on the right side. The CSS Common panel is visible; in order to display the other two panels, you will need to click their corresponding tabs on the group panel.

For an extensive description of the CSS Panels, see Using the CSS Panels.

To work more easily with the CSS Panels, group them together. To learn how to move and dock panels within your NetObjects Fusion 12 workspace, see Optimizing your Workspace.

To style an element using the CSS Panels:

  1. Select an element in the preview area. For example, the Normal(P) element.

  2. Change its properties in the CSS panel of your choice. For example, using the CSS Common Panel, change the Font color to red and set the Trebuchet MS for Font Family, 20px for Font Size, Italic, and Bold.

The preview will be updated with every change you make to the style of the selected element.

The changes in style will be visible in the CSS Property Sheet panel and in the CSS Code Editor panel as well.