Working with HTML Directly

In addition to adding content, links, and DHTML actions to your site using NetObjects Fusion tools, you can work directly with the code to insert HTML and scripts. For example, you can add META tags to index your site for search engines, power content with JavaScript or Visual Basic routines, center pages throughout your site, or do whatever else you can when coding raw HTML. You can’t edit the HTML that NetObjects Fusion automatically generates, but you can add your own code virtually anywhere.

Before working with HTML directly, you should be familiar with HTML tags and page structure.

tObjects Fusion doesn’t verify HTML you add, so be sure to use valid syntax, enclosing scripts within <SCRIPT> and </SCRIPT> tags, and so on. Also, assets referenced in your HTML aren’t managed in Assets view. If you move the HTML or its assets in your directory structure, edit paths in the HTML accordingly.


This section tells you how to add HTML or scripts by: